The Statistical Assessment of Sustainable Development: Some Key Dimensions: monograph
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This monograph aligns and integrates in a collaborative scientifi c work both new research
results and previously published materials of the authors, with elaborating them in the context of
rethinking modern issues of sustainable development with respect to its statistical assessment.
The conceptual framework for information support of sustainable development and tasks
of national statistical services concerning assessment of the progress on the way to Sustainable
Development Goals on the basis of adaptation to relevant international standards are addressed.
Methodological approaches to the statistical recording and improvements of indicators
measuring climate change and adaptation to this change as one of the most severe global threats
for community, economy and environment are explored. An analysis of problems involved
in estimating consumer price index that is an important barometer of the social component in
sustainable development was made. Problems of identifying nonstandard units in the structural
statistics of enterprises are highlighted, with emphasis on small and microbusiness being of
particular interest from sustainable development perspective. The authors show the experiences
of creating a national glossary supporting the integrated model of statistical production processes
as an integral component of the working framework for the process of production of high-quality
statistical information in the context of information support for sustainable development.
The problems of statistical assessment of sustainable development in Ukraine is highlighted
e. g. from the perspective of the impact of the Russian military aggression on all its principal
components and the domestic statistical capacities in the condition of martial law.
The monograph is meant for a wide range of researchers engaged in problems of
sustainable development and its statistical assessment, as well as for staff of offi cial statistics
offi ces, scientists, lecturers, doctoral and post-graduate students, students of higher educational
institutions and all the interested legal and physical entities.
Оsaulenko О., Vasechko О., Grun-Rehomme М., Kobylynska Т. The Statistical
Assessment of Sustainable Development: Some Key Dimensions: monograph;
O. Osaulenko (Ed.). Kyiv:“August Trade” Ltd, 2023. 237 p.
assessment, statistical, sustainable, development, monograph